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February 16, 2021 | Travis Hoechlin | Social Media

5 Critical Social Media Mistakes and How Your Firm Can Avoid Them

In today’s largely online world, businesses of all kinds must have an active online presence. For years, this simply meant…

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February 9, 2021 | Travis Hoechlin | Websites

5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Creating Your Law Firm’s Website

As many as 75% of all searches for an attorney begin online, making your website the first impression most potential…

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December 15, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Content Marketing

What Is Evergreen Content and Why Do I Need It for My Law Firm’s Website?

A substantial part of the creation and maintenance of a successful website involves content creation. Without quality content, there is…

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December 2, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Websites

How Your Website Converts Prospects Into Clients

Having a successful online presence is critical to the success of your law firm. However, a lot of strategies designed…

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November 17, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Websites

First Steps in Designing Your Law Firm’s New Website

While the Internet remains the most popular tool to seek out products and services of all kinds, it has become…

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November 4, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Websites

Is Your Law Firm’s Website Fresh? Five Web Design Tips for 2020

Suppose you are in charge of overseeing digital marketing efforts for your law firm. In that case, you should know…

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October 21, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising SEO

Organic SEO Vs. PPC—Which Strategy Is Best for Your Law Firm?

Gone are the days where law firms survived, and flourished, on the merits of television and radio advertising. Even further…

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October 7, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Websites

A Content Roadmap for a Brand-New Law Firm Website

There’s a sense of satisfaction and relief when launching your law firm’s website. It’s certainly an important milestone, but the…

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September 24, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | SEO

What Keywords Should I Be Bidding On?

Keywords are a major part of modern digital marketing. Spending your marketing budget on the wrong ones can seriously damage…

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September 2, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Digital Marketing Email Marketing Law Firm Marketing

Understanding Drip Campaigns for Law Firm Marketing

Digital marketing has evolved tremendously over just the past decade. Your law firm’s website is now much more than a…

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August 13, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Apps

9 Helpful Apps for Attorneys

The legal industry is incredibly demanding. Attorneys and their supporting legal staff members must not only provide their clients with…

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July 7, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Law Firm Marketing

5 Tips for Approaching Law Firm Marketing During COVID-19 Recovery

For the last several months, Americans have had their everyday lives completely upended by the COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting…

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June 24, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | SEO

6 SEO Best Practices for Legal Websites

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component of any modern digital marketing strategy. Regardless of industry, virtually every organization…

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June 24, 2020 | Travis Hoechlin | Content Marketing Digital Marketing

Why You Must Have Strong Legal Content on Your Site : Part 1

Digital marketing is a crucial part of running any business today, and that includes law firms offering personal injury and…

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